Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My $3 Mei Tai

I finally did it!!! I made my first mei tai! It's not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it.

Here's the breakdown of costs-

straps from an old denim couch cover: free!

canvas: $0.75

quilting squares: $2.00

thread: approx. $0.25


  1. HAHA! Not to be confused with the cocktail, right? I was looking for your recipe & then realized it wasn't a drink. Duh!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just dropped by to say hi when I noticed the blog address on your card. (FYI- you gave me your card at out local Walmart when I noticed your sling.)
    Thanks for the great info- I am looking forward to using one this time around(#4 by the way) since I never could get comfortable with front carriers.
    I blog as well so if you have time drop by and check them out. I also added you to the list of blogs I follow.
    PS Sorry about the previous deleted comment- my 16 year old blogs too and didn't sign out.
